Account Information

Get real-time account balances as well as view detailed transaction histories and check images. You can download account information in Quickbooks®/Quicken® friendly format.

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Email and Text Alerts

Manage and monitor your business’ account activity using alerts. Alerts can be sent to an email address, to your phone via text message, or accessed from Business Online Banking or our Mobile App.

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Get your statements faster and more securely than ever and easily archive them on your computer, eliminating waste. You can view monthly statements, access check images (front and back), and keep them archived for up to 18 months within online banking. 

Manage Access and Permissions

Easily control which employees have access and manage approval permissions for those employees. This tool makes it easy to add, change or delete employees, assign access privileges, and search and view employee transaction activity. Even giving you the ability to create dual control processes through the advanced permission settings.

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Treasury Management Solutions

Your time is a valuable resource for your business. To make the most of it, we offer treasury and cash management solutions. Improve your day-to-day operations, simplify your banking, and implement better security protocols.

ACH Manager

Establish electronic payments for employee payroll, vendor payments and taxes, or streamline your receivables process, including receipt of funds, data processing and information delivery with Automated Clearing House (ACH) solutions.
  • Send ACH payments using pre-defined templates to automate the process, which is especially useful with higher-volume payments
  • Automatically receive recurring payments from customers with ACH autopay

View ACH demo

Bill Payment

Access. Automate. Expedite. With Bill Payment, you can do all three to streamline your payment process while enhancing security.
  • All-in-one payment system designed especially for small business
  • Automate recurring payments to save time
  • Options for expedited payments
  • Access past and pending payment details
  • Multi-tiered user permission controls for increased control and security
  • Audit trails show all bill-payment actions by authorized users
  • Electronically link invoice and credit memo information with payments for control
  • Send and receive eBills – electronic billing system to reduce the time and cost of mailing paper invoices

View bill pay demo

Stop Payment

Authorized users have the ability to issue stop payments for a single check or a range of checks, or to view previous stop payments.

View stop pay demo

Wire Transfers

Send U.S. currency to a person or business through our online wire transfers. It’s a secure alternative to checks and money orders.

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Positive Pay

Detect and prevent check and ACH fraud faster with this automated fraud detection tool. By reviewing the checks and ACH transactions online daily, you can ensure payment details are accurate prior to approving an item.
Check Positive Pay
When checks are presented for payment against a protected account, selected check information is compared to the file of issued checks. Checks that fail to match are flagged and a Positive Pay Exception Module allows the user to make a pay or return decision. This allows suspected check exceptions to be resolved before the bank authorizes final payment and the user retains the right to reject any checks it believes are fraudulent.
Check Reverse Positive Pay
Instead of you reporting the checks you've issued to us, we report the checks that are presented for payment to you for a pay or return decision. This is ideal for businesses who write few checks and allows you to review each check that is presented for payment and reject any that you flag as fraudulent.

ACH Positive Pay
When ACH debits are presented for payment against a protected account, the transaction is flagged for review within the Positive Pay Exception Module. This allows users to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of each payment prior to making a pay or return decision. Rules can be created for routine ACH transactions, which exempts the item from being flagged as an exception.

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ACH Receivables

Streamline your receivables process, including receipt of funds, data processing and information delivery with ACH (Automated Clearing House) solutions. We also offer a Check and ACH Debit Block service for receivable accounts or special purpose funds that don't need external distribution capabilities.

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Card Payment Processing

We offer a wide range of products and services to provide merchants the ability to accept all major credit cards, debit/ATM cards, checks and electronic gift cards. Give your customers more flexibility in paying you with our merchant services.

Remote and Mobile Deposit

Use a high-speed check scanner to process and deposit checks right from your office or use mobile deposit to take a photo and deposit right from your phone using our mobile app. You’ll access your funds faster, save time, improve cash flow and reduce risk of check fraud. 

View remote deposit demo

View mobile deposit demo

Night Drop and Branch Deposits

You can even leave your deposits in our convenient night drop boxes outside of business hours at any of our convenient branch locations.

Courier Service for Business

When you don’t have the flexibility or time to leave your business to make deposits or exchange cash, Business Courier service may be a solution. Ask us if your business falls within our coverage area.


Outsource your check depositing duties with a bank managed PO Box to deposit, image and prepare reporting data on all your checks received.

View lockbox demo


Accelerate payments made to you through online bill pay channels by replacing paper checks with a daily ACH file.

Sweep Services

Sweep funds from an operating account to a savings or money market account and maximize your earnings potential.

Email and Text Alerts

Account and transaction alerts can be delivered directly to your email or mobile device in real-time to help you identify any suspicious activity in your accounts. 

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Security Tokens

Your online security is very important to us. That’s why we offer security tokens to help protect your business online banking account. Tokens are electronic password devices that are either a physical token or a mobile app token. In addition to your PIN, the token password is required to access business online banking and transmit ACH files or wire transfers. 

View soft token demo

Check and ACH Debit Block

Prevent unauthorized transactions before they occur by blocking checks and ACH debits from your account with our Check and ACH Debit Block service. This fraud mitigation solution is designed to protect receivable accounts or special purpose funds that do not need external distribution capabilities. 

Positive Pay

Detect and prevent check and ACH fraud faster with this automated fraud detection tool. By reviewing the checks and ACH transactions online daily, you can ensure payment details are accurate prior to approving an item.

Check Positive Pay
When checks are presented for payment against a protected account, selected check information is compared to the file of issued checks. Checks that fail to match are flagged and a Positive Pay Exception Module allows the user to make a pay or return decision. This allows suspected check exceptions to be resolved before the bank authorizes final payment and the user retains the right to reject any checks it believes are fraudulent.

Check Reverse Positive Pay
Instead of you reporting the checks you've issued to us, we report the checks that are presented for payment to you for a pay or return decision within the Positive Pay Exception Module. This is ideal for businesses who write few checks and allows you to review each check that is presented for payment and reject any that you flag as fraudulent.

ACH Positive Pay
When ACH debits are presented for payment against a protected account, the transaction is flagged for review within the Positive Pay Exception Module. This allows users to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of each payment prior to making a pay or return decision. Rules can be created for routine ACH transactions, which exempts the item from being flagged as an exception. 

View positive pay demo

Increased FDIC Insurance on Funds

Through our membership in the IntraFi network, you can easily access millions in aggregate FDIC insurance for cash deposits while enjoying the simplicity of working with a single trusted, local institution. Use ICS and CDARS to secure funds placed into demand deposit accounts, money market deposit accounts, or CDs.

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Real Solutions for Real Life

Business man is showing a document to another as he explains what they are looking at.

Business Loans & Credit

No two businesses are alike, so we consider your needs, look out for your best interest and offer lending options to keep you moving forward.

Smiling business professionals

Business Insurance

You’ve worked hard to build your business - we’ll work hard to help protect it. Speak with one of our insurance professionals today.

Business man holds a phone to his ear as he looks at his computer.

Business Checking

Our commitment to delivering you a great banking experience starts with our checking solutions, and is backed with friendly service.