1. Basic information about your business:
- Business name
- Business address
- Your name
- Type of business
- Date your business was established
- Tax ID Number (Employer ID Number) or Social Security Number (for a sole proprietorship)
2. Number of employees: Include both how many you have now and how many more if the loan application is approved.
3. Use of proceeds (amounts for all applicable items, and total):
- Land acquisition
- New construction/expansion/repair
- Acquisition or repair of machinery and equipment
- Purchase inventory
- Working capital (including accounts payable)
- Acquisition of existing business
- Pay off an existing loan
4. Information about your current, previous, and pending business debt, including SBA loans and other government debt:
- Borrower's name
- Lender name and information
- Original amount of loan
- Date of Application
- Present balance
- Rate of interest
- Maturity date
- Monthly payment
- Security provided
- Loan Status (whether the loan is current or past due or paid off)
- Outstanding balance
- If loan resulted in a loss to the government or other lender, amount of the loss
5. Information about the management of the business: For 100% of the ownership, you must include name and address and percentage owned. You may also be required to provide demographic information (race, ethnicity, veteran status, gender); this information can help the bank determine if you qualify for any special SBA loan programs.
6. Personal and financial information about all shareholders: Take note that you should include officers, partners, owners, along with a personal financial statement.
7. Detailed information about assets being presented as collateral: For example, a legal description of real estate, serial numbers/id numbers for all large value machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures, inventory records, accounts receivable aging reports and other records as required.
8. A brief history of the company: Talk about how the business started and explain the benefits that it will gain from the funds.
9. One to three years of projected financial information on the business: Be able to show the effects of the funds and what growth you expect to see over that time.
10. Information about the financial history of the business: If you are seeking a loan for an existing business, provide records for the past three years, including income tax returns, balance sheets and income statements.
We're here for you
Our expert lending team is here to guide you through the entire loan process. Connect with a lender today to start discussing how we can help you get the business loan you need to succeed.