ACH Manager

Establish electronic payments for employee payroll, vendor payments and taxes, or streamline your receivables process, including receipt of funds, data processing and information delivery with Automated Clearing House (ACH) solutions.
  • Send ACH payments using pre-defined templates to automate the process, which is especially useful with higher-volume payments
  • Automatically receive recurring payments from customers with ACH autopay

View ACH demo

Bill Payment

Access. Automate. Expedite. With Bill Payment, you can do all three to streamline your payment process while enhancing security.
  • All-in-one payment system designed especially for small business
  • Automate recurring payments to save time
  • Options for expedited payments
  • Access past and pending payment details
  • Multi-tiered user permission controls for increased control and security
  • Audit trails show all bill-payment actions by authorized users
  • Electronically link invoice and credit memo information with payments for control
  • Send and receive eBills – electronic billing system to reduce the time and cost of mailing paper invoices

View bill pay demo

Stop Payment

Authorized users have the ability to issue stop payments for a single check or a range of checks, or to view previous stop payments.

View stop pay demo

Wire Transfers

Send U.S. currency to a person or business through our online wire transfers. It’s a secure alternative to checks and money orders.

View wire transfer demo

Positive Pay

Detect and prevent check and ACH fraud faster with this automated fraud detection tool. By reviewing the checks and ACH transactions online daily, you can ensure payment details are accurate prior to approving an item.
Check Positive Pay
When checks are presented for payment against a protected account, selected check information is compared to the file of issued checks. Checks that fail to match are flagged and a Positive Pay Exception Module allows the user to make a pay or return decision. This allows suspected check exceptions to be resolved before the bank authorizes final payment and the user retains the right to reject any checks it believes are fraudulent.
Check Reverse Positive Pay
Instead of you reporting the checks you've issued to us, we report the checks that are presented for payment to you for a pay or return decision. This is ideal for businesses who write few checks and allows you to review each check that is presented for payment and reject any that you flag as fraudulent.

ACH Positive Pay
When ACH debits are presented for payment against a protected account, the transaction is flagged for review within the Positive Pay Exception Module. This allows users to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of each payment prior to making a pay or return decision. Rules can be created for routine ACH transactions, which exempts the item from being flagged as an exception.

View positive pay demo

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Business Solutions

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Security Solutions

Business and business transactions are always evolving. Follow these safety tips and advice to help protect your business.

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Bank Online

Do most of your business banking quickly, easily and when it's most convenient for you.